jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010


This lesson is derected for all people who wants to learn how to multiplicated. But it is advisable to lear it in an early age, because among younger they learns faster and better.

jueves, 19 de agosto de 2010

Mathematics Lessons

I chose Multiplication because I think that the multiplication it’s something so basically that everyone should know it. The objective of my class is that my students learn how to multiply and learn the multiplication tables, between 0 to 12. We use the multiplication all the time in our lives and because of that I want people know how to do it well, if you know how to multiply you can use that benefit for many things like discover the price of an amount of thing only knowing the price of a singular unit of that thing. I hope my students want to know this.

First of all you must know the multiplication table:

And also you must know the next rule:
Positive x Positive=Positive
Positive x Negative=Negative
Negative x Positive=Negative
Negative x Negative=Positive

The first rule is the easiest to remember because we learned it so long ago. Working with positive numbers under multiplication always yeilds positive answers. The second and third steps can be explained simultaneously. This is because numbers can be multiplied in any order. -3 x 7 has the same answer as 7 x -3, which is always true for all integers.

With a little concentration, we can see that the two unanswered questions must have positive answers to maintain mathematical consistency. This should help us understand why a positive number is always the result of multiplying two numbers of the same sign.

Here are some examples:
4 x -8 = -32,
-6 x 8 = -48, and
-20 x -3 = 60.

Multiplicaton excercises

1. 6x7=
2. 6x8=
3. 11x5=
4. 11x7=
5. 9x10=
6. 8x10=
7. 6x10=
8. 9x7=
9. 9x6=
10. 11x8=
11. 10x10=
12. 2x8=
13. 10x8=
14. 8x5=
15. 2x3=
16. 7x7=
17. 7x11=
18. 2x6=
19. 4x11=
20. 12x11=